Monday, January 23, 2012

Curahan Hati

When the sky were blue and sun were shining beautiful.

The birds were tweets and the flowers were bloom.

But.. There something strange. 

I'm sad. People were saw me that I'm okay.

Share some jokes, laugh out loud, smile at everyone. 

But.. They don't know that my heart were gloomy.

There's a thunder, downpour and jealousy.

My heart is crying. You know why?

I've lost my best friend. I know that she still here, but you know..

I'm seriously jealous. She's so close to my Boy. 

And you know what, I'm seriously disappointed of her.

She doesn't care about me. She's change. 

She never smile at me. 

She forgot our photo, she forgot me. And, she forgot our friendship.

I know that she was very busy with her grade now, but.. Can you spend a little time for me? :)

I miss you, hear that? Oh..

But sometimes I hate you. Know why?

Because you, forget me :) and..

I just wanna say THANK YOU for you who wants to be my Best friend :) 

I'll never forget the time when I'm with you.. 

P.s: T

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