Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hari ini.

Hari ini, bangun pagi biasanya dibangunin bapak. Biasanya waktu dibangunin aku marah-marah. Tapi, kmaren tepatnya bapak ke Bandung dan Minggu harus ke Bangkok selama 1bulan. 
Hari ini, aku makan pagi pake abon sapi. Nasi nya cuma ngambil satu centong.
Hari ini, hari pertama ku masuk sekolah. Karena kemarin, kelas 9 UN jadi dari hari Senin sampai Kamis kelas 7 sama kelas 8 libur.
Hari ini, aku masuk kelas dengan wajah murung, cemberut, sedih dan ngga nyapa semua orang yang dikelas. Karena biasanya aku nyapa.
Hari ini, sekolah sepi banget. Soalnya yang kelas 9 itu libur sampai hari Senin. 
Hari ini, pelajaran pertama itu matematika. Seperti biasa, aku ngga merhatiin pak Harmanta ngejelasin. Maaf pak, aku lagi budrek.
Hari ini, aku nyoret-nyoret buku matematika ku dengan tanda tangan ku, namaku, sama namamu.
Hari ini, waktu pelajaran BTQ pak Yahya bilang kalo aku cerewet. Pak Yahya bilang kalo aku gapernah sedih. Slalu ceria.
Hari ini, waktu istirahat aku beli gorengan tahu bakso 4. Tapi, yang satu aku ga makan. Soalnya tiba-tiba aku mual.
Hari ini, waktu pelajaran BK aku lupa ngerjain PR dan lupa bawa buku BK. 
Hari ini, waktu pelajaran bahasa Inggris tulisan ku jelek. Padahal biasanya tulisan ku waktu bahasa Inggris slalu bagus.
Hari ini, KETOS gamasuk. Aku lapor pak Hasan. Akhirnya, pak Hasan nyuruh aku yang jadi pemimpin.
Hari ini, aku sholat Jum'at. Mahda tiba-tiba meluk aku. Dia mau ngelitikin aku. Tapi, aku malah inget kamu waktu meluk aku.
Hari ini, aku pulang naik angkot seperti biasa. Sama Rara. 
Hari ini, sesampai nya dirumah aku langsung copot jilbab dan spatu.
Hari ini, waktu aku buka pintu belakang. Biasanya Bangkong langsung lari ke aku, tapi skarang gada? Bangkong aku panggil 3 kali dan akhirnya dia ngeong dan langsung masuk rumah.
Hari ini, belum pada pulang. Mas Yodi sama dek Rio. 
Hari ini, belum ganti baju aku langsung nyalain laptop sama internet.
Hari ini, aku langsung stalk profil Twitter sama Facebook mu.
Hari ini, aku masih shock sama yang tadi malem. 
Hari ini, aku langsung ke YouTube dan ngetik lagunya Adele judulnya Don't You Remember.
Hari ini, mention ku seabruk. Ya seperti biasa, tapi hari ini.. Twitter gagal jadi moodbooster ku.
Hari ini, aku ngedengerin lagunya Adele yang Don't You Remember sambil tiduran meluk embek.
Hari ini, aku nyanyi Don't You Remember ke embek.
Hari ini, aku ngeliatin foto kita waktu masih sama-sama.
Hari ini, aku nangis lagi.
Hari ini.. Aku masih sayang sama kamu. Walaupun kamu udah nyakitin aku ribuan kali.

Don't you remember?

"But don't you remember, don't you remember? 
The reason you loved me before."

"When was the last time you thought of me?  
Or have you completely erased me from your memories?"

"I often think about where I went wrong." 

"The more I do, the less I know." 
"I gave you the space so you could breathe, 
I kept my distance so you would be free, 
I hope that you find the missing piece 
To bring you back to me."

"Baby please remember me once more." 

"When will I see you again?"


Monday, April 23, 2012


  Do you ever had a "bestfriends"? I do have.
What is the mean of "bestfriends"? Bestfriend is someone who always there when you need them, someone who always accompany you. Someone who always listen and understand you. Someone who except you with all your shortcomings, borrowing their shoulder when your cry and wipe your tears, make funny jokes and much more!!!!!

  Their name are Tata and Desti.
Why the tittle is "TD2!"? WHYYYY?? YOU WANNA KNOW WHY? SERIOUSLY?????!!!
(di ulang biar dramatis)
Why? The mean of TD2! is Tata Danti Desti. We make like a name of our small groups, hahahaha but this group is not like a gang -_- we make friends with all of people.
Btw, they'll move to high school this year and they'll leave me..not alone. But they'll leave me. They're my senior, I'm still 8th grade and they're 9th grade.

   I'll introduce them one by one and some short story about how we met :p


The first is Alifa Ardini Sekarpramudita Madyono, what a long name huh? But you can call her Tata.
I know her when she added me at We talked much, and than she asked me about Linkin Park (a rock band from USA, and she know I like that band) and than she asked about Linkin Park's song that became the Transformer's movie soundtrack. And I told her that I know the tittle and I have that song. 
And than she asked me to give her the song when we're back from psantren kilat. And than we're become friend until now. She's good, kind, cute, funny, humble, pretty, friendly. But she's a little bit selfish ;p

The second one named Desti Hanna Windarti, you can call her Desti. 
I know her because we're joining the same organization. Um, a school organization called OSIS (Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah) and Paskibra. And than doing some chit-chat and than we both become close and close and now we're being a friend. And when the OSIS made an event called LDK (Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan), me and her sleep together wkwk. She's cute, I love her eyes because the shape is like cat's eyes. She's kind, good listener, smart at math, kind, friendly. But sometimes she won't replied my texts and that's annoy me :p

That's me. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012


Hi. Longtime no post blog, sincerly I moved to Tumblr :p I'm sorry. My first post on April titled "harkos". Why? Bcz.. I wanna tell you about jerks that sharing lies.

My friend, named Mahda is being "harkos-ing" by a boy, he's my bestfriend too. Mahda is my bestfriend too. Do you know, HE ALREADY "HARKOS-ING" 2 OF MY BESTFRIENDS. that's totally jerk rite? Heart hurt? OF COURSE DUDE! I feel it, she's my bestfriend dude. 
Think twice if you wanna do something.