I wanna tell you about my trip with my school, Sultan Agung 1 Islamic Junior High School. VERY EXCITING! Even when I'm back at home, my voice was hoarse and exhausted -_-
First place to visit is Pangandaran Beach.
At half past 7, we gathered at mozaik room at school and pray isya' together (that time, I was on my period so..I'm not joining the pray). After that, there's some notices about the trip. First place that us will visit is Pangandaran Beach at West Java. I'm sitting with my chair-mate, Zela. Our bus number is 3 and we sit at the fifth chair at the left bus's side.
foto malam pertama di bus :D |
sstt!! Zela is sleeping |
After I took some photos, I slept too. The time is like so fast, when I woke up it's 5 am. The bus stopped at a Karya Bakti Restaurant. Some of them are praying shubuh and after that, we have our breakfast. Woops, my friends are all very...veryy hungry until the foods are run out -_- I just eat a fried rice. We are there until 6 am.
Gita |
Karina, are you 'galau'? :p |
Condition at Bus 3 (back) |
Woops...Before we visit the Pangandaran Beach, we visit a beautiful place named Green Canyon. Green Canyon is a lake with a green color. I'm sure that's a lake or river but I'm feeling lucky that I've visit it!
(re: left) Aku, Gita, Zela, mba Yuma :D |
(re: left) Gita, Zela |
(re: left) Mba Yuma, me. |
Gita |
Zela |
(re: left) Karina and Ega at the different boat |
Karina dan Ega :D |
Zela |
mba Yuma :D |
After Green Canyon, we continued our way to Pangandaran Beach. Before we visit Pangandaran Beach, we visited Batu Hiu. Just a small beach with a stone that the stone's shape is a shark's mouth.
(re: left) me, ega, zela, gita, karina, mba yuma |
(re: left) mba yuma, zela, gita, ega, karina, bu aisyah an aqidah akhlaq's teacher and bu har an Indonesian teacher |
(re: left) zela, me |
(re: left) anna, mahda |
Mahda, Ana |
And than, we continued (again) our way to Pangandaran Beach an take some photos at the bus while on the way to Pangandaran Beach.

At Pangandaran Beach, me, Mahda and Anna take some walk at the beach's side. And I know something now, Mahda is afraid of waves. I don't know...afraid of being wet or what hahahaha. Me and Anna scare Mahda. wkwk. After we are done take some walk, we washed our feet at a public toilet and than suddenly I scream... "DOMPET KU ILANG!" yay, my wallet is gone -_- I'm panic, Anna confused and Mahda..very confused. And when we back to the bus, I'm searching my wallet under my sit and finally.... "Alhamdulillah, jatuh dibawah tempat duduk", everybody lookin' at me with a like a silly face hahaha. Me? I'm just smiling and shy because I'm making everybody panic :p at Pangandaran Beach, everybody busy with their own activity. Take a bath, praying, tidying up their things, eat, sleep, take some photos, walking-walking, shopping etc. I bought an ice cream..em, not just 1 but 2 because I was thirsty and I wanted an ice cream HAHA. And finally, the bus is starting to move.
(re: left) zela, ann |
I slept much while on the road to Jakarta and yeah, the camera's battery and my cellphone are empty. So I can't take any pictures again at the bus. And than we stopped at a restaurant and I don't know what it's name. I ate a fried chicken and soup. And it's 4 hours more to get to Jakarta. We arrived at hotel (seriously, that's not a hotel) at half past 3.
My room number is 215 with Mahda, Karina, April, Dheak and Dina. Dheak and Dina are from 8B Class. Because we've sleep much at the bus, we choose to playing cards. We play tepok nyamuk and minuman. So fun!!! We've spend 2 hours for playing cards. And I'm hearing that Germany has lost from Italy at football world championship UUGGH! After that, I wanna visit Anna's room. And when I asked some people at Anna's room, they said that Anna is taking a bath. HA! And I'm oking with Anna by turn off and on the bathroom's lamp, the place that Anna is taking a bath and than Anna is like get mad and speak loudly and mocking me :p wkwk. She don't know that I'm the one who turn off and on the bathroom's lamp :p
Nah! This picture is taken by pak Hasan, my sport's teacher. He's hurry because we will visit Dufan, that's why the picture is tilt -_-
Zela is getting dizzy because I don't know so, I enjoy the view.

zela nya pusing :( |
condition of Bus 3, peaceful (front) |
condition of Bus 3, rusuh -_- (back) |
sunny |
Mahdanya bobok..... |
We've arrived at Ancol's area. First place to visit is Gelanggang Samudera Ancol. At Gelanggang Samudera Ancol, there's some knick-knack. We ride Ubur-Ubur
(re: left) me, Gita, Zela, Karina riding Ubur-Ubur. |
(re: left) Karina, Zela |
(re: left) Gita, me |
awkward moment..... |
Out from Gelanggang Samudera Ancol, we've to pray dzhuhur and asar and thaaannnn....DUFAN! omg. we walked towards Ancol and .... it went rather far and tiring. Finally, huh....it was soooooooo exhausting! And we've arrived and than we tried the rides!
First rides we've tried is Kora-Kora. It is a swinging boat! Why boat? Because the shape is a boat. I, Zela, Anna and Mahda sit at the front. We met Balqis and Nisa from 8B class. I can't scream loudly, because this cold ugh -_-
Frome the name, we can imagine that the rides can make the person who ride it will be histeric! Histeria. When we are queue, it's a longggg longgg queue row. And we hear someone is screaming while riding the Histeria. I'm like..omg. Once, I choose to go back and just see my friend but nah, I'm here and I've try all the rides!
zela gaya, aku tegang..... |
wajahku |
AAAAAAAAAAAA!!! awkward -_- |
After riding Histeria, we had our lunch at Columbus Fried Chicken.
- Bianglala
When we wanted to ride Bianglala, the queue is so long as same as when we queue the Histeria. And it's our time! Me and Zela, Anna and Mahda and there's 2 boys that we don't know who they are haha. Because the maximum capacities are 6 people so....yup, the 2 stranger boys are in for somplete the capacities. And I'm imagine if we are fallen down...I'm scared. And the wind makes our Bianglala shaken' -_-

- Rumah Miring
Rumah Miring is the weeiiirrrdeesstt rides. The house is tilt and makes us so hard to walk around. When we were entering the Rumah Miring, it feels dizzy. Seriously.
- Niagara-Gara
Niagara-gara can make you wet! I've been at Trans Studio before, there's a rides that same as Niagara-gara but I didn't remember what's the ride's name hehe. When I, Zela, Anna and Mahda was queued, we talked much while waiting for the queue. But there's some people who can't wait or maybe very excited so they yell "Maju Maju!!" and they're annoy us -_-
After that, this is our time to ride the Niagara-gara, it's a boat. And omg..I'm so nerveous, scared but excited!!! And we across the road leading to the top, just like a roller coaster. And when heading down the road, my heart felt like sank. I screamed so loud. because at that time I was sitting in the front row
- Rumah Jail
When we headed to the Istana Boneka, we stopped into Rumah Jail. Hearing it's name, I began to kepo++ and than, we entered it. This Rumah Jail is full off mirrors that makes us dizzy and makes us hard to searched the way out from this Rumah Jail -_-
Zela and me, when at Rumah Jail. |
- Istana Boneka
AND THAN FINALLY. WE ARE IN THE PLACE THAT WE ALL HAVE WAITED TO GO THERE. Simple, but this place rimends me about my childhood. Istana Boneka, a place that full of dolls! Zela thought that we can't visit it, but Alhamdulillah..we can make it!
Istana Boneka's building |
And finally, we have to get back at the bus becuase we'll back to Semarang. Zela walk so fast, and we were seperated. But I'm still with Anna and Mahda. And there's April following us. There's an awkward story before we reached the bus. There's a hot dog stand, because I'm very hungry so I buy the hot dog without chili. Anna, Mahda and April talking about Wagiman and Subardjo (you don't have to know who are they), omg...They are veryyy make mee sick -_- because we both very exciting to talk about Wagiman and Subardjo, we choose the wring way to get back to the bus! We almost farrrr awwwaayy from the place where our bus stopped. That is veryyy awkward moment!
I can't forget it, because this is very exciting moments. Tired, sleepy but we all are having fun!